Cultural Diversity
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Equity in Early Ed: 3 Essential Resources for Your Program
February 29, 2024
As early childhood learning environments grow more and more diverse, schools and programs are turning more attention to creating equitable learning environments—and dismantling the systemic inequities that perpetuate achievement gaps.…

4 Tips for Effective Read-Alouds in Culturally Diverse Classrooms
February 22, 2024
Reading aloud in class is one of the most important things teachers can do to help their students learn to read—and become fluent readers. As Wayne Wright points out in…

Tips for Inclusive School Communities: Building Belonging & Equity
February 20, 2024
How can you promote equity and belonging in your inclusive school community? Try the tips in today’s post, excerpted and adapted from the new book True Inclusion With UDL by…

9 Schoolwide Changes That Support Literacy Development for Multilingual Learners
November 16, 2023
What are some schoolwide changes that can help boost language development and literacy in multilingual learners, especially those who are having academic difficulties? Today’s post outlines 9 key ideas, adapted…

Toward More Equitable Transition Outcomes: A Q&A with LaRon A. Scott & Colleen A. Thoma
October 10, 2023
Students with disabilities from historically marginalized backgrounds often experience inequities in education and support services—leading to negative post-school outcomes. In today’s author Q&A, you’ll learn about a book that helps…

8 Strategies for Culturally Responsive Family Engagement
September 19, 2023
*Today’s post is excerpted and adapted from The Handbook of Racial Equity in Early Childhood Education, by Jen Neitzel, Ph.D., & Ebonyse Mead, Ed.D., with invited contributors When early childhood…

8 Ways to Connect School to Students’ Cultural Resources
August 29, 2023
To support student learning, it’s important for teachers to relate lesson content to real-life purposes and settings—especially in diverse classrooms that include multilingual learners. Today’s post, adapted from the third…

3 Goals of Co-Teaching for Multilingual Learners
August 15, 2023
How can K–12 educators use co-teaching to strengthen success for the growing number of multilingual learners in schools? That’s the question Holly J. Porter tackles in her new guidebook, Intentional…

5 Steps to Differentiating Instruction for English Language Learners
August 10, 2023
Differentiated instruction and assessment provide different pathways to learning so that every student in your classroom—including students from linguistically and culturally diverse backgrounds—can reach high expectations and standards. In their…

6 Effective Postreading Activities for Your Culturally Diverse Classroom
June 29, 2023
What kinds of postreading activities do you use with your students? Effective postreading activities help deepen students’ comprehension of the text and extend their learning beyond it—a goal that’s especially…