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10 Quotes about Creating an Authentically Inclusive Classroom
January 9, 2024
At Brookes, we have the honor of working with some of today’s most trusted and creative minds in inclusive education—Paula Kluth, Julie Causton, Jenna Rufo, Nicole Eredics, and so many…

10 Things Families Can Do to Support Siblings of Children with Disabilities
December 12, 2023
Siblings of children who have health, developmental, and mental health concerns play important roles in the lives of their brothers and sisters. But sometimes, the unique challenges, emotions, and needs…

INTRODUCING: The New Curriculum that Helps Get Middle Schoolers Unstuck and On Target!
December 5, 2023
Today we’re excited to introduce Unstuck and On Target! Ages 11‒15: the new middle school version of a highly effective approach to executive function intervention. Read on to discover how…

7 Steps to Lesson Planning with Universal Design for Transition
November 28, 2023
In 2009, a groundbreaking book called Universal Design for Transition showed educators across the country how to apply the principles of universal design for learning (UDL) to the transition to…

Tool Spotlight: The Autism Program Environment Rating Scale
November 21, 2023
Does your school or program provide a high-quality education for students on the autism spectrum? Are there effective supports in place for learning, development, and participation? You can uncover the…

10 Tips for Supporting Students’ Memory Skills
October 24, 2023
Strong memory skills are foundational for school success. If you have students who struggle with memory and other executive function skills, today’s post is for you! Adapted from five practical…

6 Ways to Be a Special Education Teacher Leader
October 17, 2023
In her book Systematic Instruction for Students with Moderate and Severe Disabilities, Belva C. Collins describes how special educators can use dynamic, evidence-based systematic instruction strategies to teach core content…

Toward More Equitable Transition Outcomes: A Q&A with LaRon A. Scott & Colleen A. Thoma
October 10, 2023
Students with disabilities from historically marginalized backgrounds often experience inequities in education and support services—leading to negative post-school outcomes. In today’s author Q&A, you’ll learn about a book that helps…

9 Big Barriers to Your Students’ Math Success
October 3, 2023
What’s behind your students’ struggles with math? With so much on your plate, it can be hard to know—and the answer could be complex. In today’s post (adapted from the…

5 Steps to a Successful Person-Centered Planning Meeting
September 26, 2023
What is person-centered planning (PCP), and how can it benefit students with support needs in inclusive education? PCP is a type of structured conversation in which people who are very…