Quick Guides for Building Trauma-Sensitive Schools: An Intro from Expert Jen Alexander

In a world where more and more students are experiencing the aftereffects of trauma, building trauma-sensitive schools has never been more important. Busy teachers need clear, practical, and actionable advice on how to teach in trauma-sensitive ways—and trauma expert Jen Alexander has some great new quick-guides that give education professionals the support they need.

View our spotlight page introducing Jen Alexander!

A seasoned educator herself, “Ms. Jen” knows the challenges facing teachers today, and she knows how to help. She’s co-developed a series of laminated quick guides that address specific topics related to the essentials of building trauma-sensitive schools—safety, connection, regulation, and learning. “I co-created the guides with an expert in each topic area, so readers know they are getting trusted information written by educators for educators,” says Ms. Jen. “Importantly, we structured each one so that you can learn a little and get started with practical suggestions right away.”

Reader-friendly and immediately useful, each guide in the series includes:

  • Helpful tips and strategies that get everyone in the learning environment ready for teaching and learning
  • Creative activities to use with students
  • Reflection exercises that help educators examine their current practice
  • Downloadable lesson plans, worksheets, and checklists that educators can use to take action

Here’s a one-minute intro to the series from Ms. Jen herself!

Now available:

Creating a Regulating Classroom Environment
A Guide for Trauma-Sensitive Educators

By Jen Alexander & Anna Paravano

Create a physical classroom environment that strengthens felt safety and security, decreases behavior problems, diminishes the load on the body’s stress response systems, and focuses attention.


Supporting Students’ Executive Function Skills in the Trauma-Sensitive Classroom
Focusing in on Working Memory

By Jen Alexander and Jennifer Dickey

Discover practical guidance, tools, and real-world ideas you can use right away to support working memory and set every learner up for success.


Stay tuned for upcoming guides on anti-racist practices and trauma-sensitive movements for the classroom! And in the meantime, check out Ms. Jen’s books, Building Trauma-Sensitive Schools and the ebook Supporting Students and Staff After COVID-19.

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