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“A Small Investment with Tremendous Dividends”: Jennifer Mahdavi on the Power of Progress Monitoring
November 10, 2020
In a uniquely challenging year that has forced education into new locations and configurations, it’s more important than ever to collect data, make data-based instructional decisions, and monitor student progress…
GUEST POST: UDL and Self-Regulation During Distance Learning
October 21, 2020
As another month of a difficult school year draws to a close, you might be feeling what many other teachers across the country are feeling: Stressed. Frustrated. Overwhelmed. Full of…
GUEST POST: 23 Virtual Learning Adaptations for Inclusive Educators
September 8, 2020
As teachers navigate the first weeks of a difficult new school year, many are grappling with a critical question: how to ensure equitable access to the curriculum for students with…
14 Strategies for Connecting with Families this Year
August 26, 2020
Whether your school is reopening this fall for in-person-learning, returning to distance learning, or opting for a hybrid solution, keeping families in the loop and connecting with them will be…
Notice the Need, Meet the Need: A Q&A with Jen Alexander on Trauma-Sensitive Back-to-School Plans
July 28, 2020
As the new school year approaches, we’ve been reading stories and comments on social media from educators across the country. To say the least, teachers are struggling with mixed feelings—fear…
AUTHOR Q&A: Why Every Reopening School Should Embrace Mediation
July 21, 2020
*Before we get to today's post, a bit of business: the lucky winners of last week's UDL book giveaway are... Jessica Muniz Michelle Sewyck Leigh Rohde Congratulations! We will be…
3 Essential Principles for Dyscalculia Intervention
June 29, 2020
Most teachers have developed strategies and instructional techniques for supporting their students with dyslexia—but when schools are open again, how can educators reach and teach students who have dyscalculia? A…
10 Things Teachers Need to Do to Become Data Collection Detectives
June 23, 2020
Data collection and analysis is one of your most important roles as a teacher—it can help you solve your most challenging classroom issues and unlock answers to questions about a…
Antiracist Education: Books, Articles, and Resources for Teachers
June 9, 2020
Last week, our team made a statement in response to the tragic deaths of George Floyd and other Black Americans, and the protests that took place across our nation in…
SLPs in Inclusive Classrooms: 9 Questions Answered!
June 2, 2020
In an inclusive classroom, every member of the school team is integral to the creation of a learning environment that welcomes and meets the needs of each unique learner. Speech-language…