Social-Emotional Development
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How to Help When Students Are Bullied
October 10, 2017
October is National Bullying Prevention Month--a nationwide campaign founded more than a decade ago by PACER's National Bullying Prevention Center. Each year at this time, we try to provide you with some practical…
8 Ways to Show Young Children that Diversity is a Strength
October 3, 2017
As young children enter their first years of school, they'll get to know peers with a wide variety of abilities, cultures, languages, and backgrounds. It's totally natural for them to…
3 Big Ideas for Creating Joy in Your School (and Yourself!)
September 19, 2017
Learning is more likely to happen when students experience joy and positivity in the classroom. Teaching is more effective when you take time to nurture your own happiness and well-being.…
Positive Behavior Support: What It Looks Like, What to Watch Out For
September 12, 2017
When students with and without disabilities struggle with social, emotional, and behavioral challenges, it can be tougher for them to make friends and succeed in school. Today's post is filled…
FREE e-book: Dozens of de-stressing tips for students AND teachers
August 29, 2017
No matter where you stand on the issues facing America, one thing's for sure: we're living in uncertain times, and both teachers and students are feeling the effects of it.…
11 Ways to Make Your Classroom a Safe Haven for Children Exposed to Trauma
August 1, 2017
For children with a history of trauma, including exposure to violence and tragic world events, the aftereffects of the past can be a significant obstacle to learning. From generalized distrust…
6 Ways to Boost Students’ Social Skills (A UDL Post)
April 18, 2017
When you're designing a curriculum based on universal design for learning (UDL), one key principle to follow is representing content in multiple ways. As UDL expert Whitney Rapp points out…
5 Activities for Building Empathy in Your Students
February 21, 2017
Empathy is one of the most critical social skills young learners can develop. Not only is empathy a primary ingredient of bully-free schools and harmonious inclusive classrooms, it's also a…
Why Does Jordan Misbehave?: Understanding Your Students’ Behavior Antecedents
February 14, 2017
Today we're pleased to welcome a special guest to the blog: Beverley Johns, author of the Brookes book Your Classroom Guide to Special Education Law. While her book is broadly…
7 Steps to Successful Schoolwide Positive Behavior Support
January 24, 2017
Encouraging positive student behavior is a critical issue in any inclusive school (in any school, period!). Whether your school has a positive behavior support system in place or you're still…