Model Inclusive Educators Wanted!
March 8, 2023
Are you a model inclusive educator—or do you know someone who is? A research team from Winona State University is conducting an important study on general education teachers who are models for including students with significant disabilities in inclusive general ed classrooms.
What makes this study so important?
Right now, we know inclusive practices work, and we know some teachers are amazingly inclusive—but there’s no research base on the best ways to prepare people to be these amazing inclusive educators. This study will identify key skills and dispositions that general educators find most helpful for teaching students with extensive support needs in general education classes. Results of this study will inform and strengthen teacher prep programs and help support other general educators in their quest to include and teach all students.
Who qualifies to participate?
The researchers behind the study are looking for teachers who:
- Welcome students with significant disabilities into the general education classroom and work to make the student an active part of the classroom community.
- Consistently collaborate with special education teachers, paraprofessionals, and/or related service personnel to ensure students with significant disabilities have access to the general education curriculum and activities.
- Take an active role in teaching students with significant disabilities—and don’t rely solely on the special education teacher, paraprofessional, and/or related service personnel to provide access to general education curriculum and instruction.
- Could provide a model to show other general education teachers how to include students with significant disabilities in general education classrooms.
If you fit the above criteria and want to help future educators succeed in the classroom, click the link below to initiate participation in the study. (It’ll only take about 15-30 minutes of your time.) And please share the link widely with any other model general education teachers in inclusive classrooms!
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