Special Education
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Supporting Students on the Path to Disability Pride
October 28, 2024
*Updated 10/28/24 How can you best support students with non-visible disabilities---such as speech/language disorders, learning disabilities, and behavioral disorders---on their path to disability pride and empowerment? That's what we'll discuss…

4 UDL Books Every Teacher Needs
June 6, 2024
Universal design for learning (UDL) has long been one of the most-discussed topics among our blog readers and social media followers. In this week’s post, we’re highlighting four acclaimed UDL…

17 Ways to Improve Your Students’ Oral Language Skills
June 5, 2024
UPDATED: June 2024 Oral language skills are vitally important for your students to master---both for social and academic success. Learners use this skill throughout the day to process and deliver…

Delivering Special Education Online: 4 Types of Engagement to Promote
May 28, 2024
Engagement is a prerequisite for learning wherever instruction is delivered—whether in-person or virtually. Because distance education will continue to be an effective way to meet the needs of many students,…

7 Steps to Lesson Planning with Universal Design for Transition
November 28, 2023
In 2009, a groundbreaking book called Universal Design for Transition showed educators across the country how to apply the principles of universal design for learning (UDL) to the transition to…

Tool Spotlight: The Autism Program Environment Rating Scale
November 21, 2023
Does your school or program provide a high-quality education for students on the autism spectrum? Are there effective supports in place for learning, development, and participation? You can uncover the…

6 Ways to Be a Special Education Teacher Leader
October 17, 2023
In her book Systematic Instruction for Students with Moderate and Severe Disabilities, Belva C. Collins describes how special educators can use dynamic, evidence-based systematic instruction strategies to teach core content…

Toward More Equitable Transition Outcomes: A Q&A with LaRon A. Scott & Colleen A. Thoma
October 10, 2023
Students with disabilities from historically marginalized backgrounds often experience inequities in education and support services—leading to negative post-school outcomes. In today’s author Q&A, you’ll learn about a book that helps…

6 Things Your Students with Disabilities Want You to Do
August 7, 2023
*UPDATED with "Take Action" steps on 8/7/23! Here on the Brookes blog, we mostly bring you professional advice, from educator to educator. This week we're doing something a little different.…

8 Tips for Teaching Students with Disabilities Virtually
June 6, 2023
Distance education is an effective way to meet the needs of students with disabilities—but how can educators address the challenges of virtual special education? Today’s post, excerpted and adapted from…