Special Education
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The Who, What, When, and How of Disclosing a Disability
August 17, 2021
13 Things Every New Inclusive Educator Should Remember
August 3, 2021
If you’re a brand-new teacher, and this fall will mark your first foray into the world of inclusive education, you might be feeling some trepidation as you prepare for your…

9 Steps Educators Can Take to Strengthen Their Mentoring Skills
May 25, 2021
A good mentor is one of the best resources a new teacher can have during those exciting and challenging first years in the classroom. If you’re a seasoned teacher looking…

11 Big Ways Paraprofessionals Can Support All Students Virtually
February 23, 2021
In inclusive schools and classrooms, paraprofessionals are incredibly valuable human resources. Students benefit in so many ways from the support of paraprofessionals—they not only provide learners with vital support for…

Education Beyond 2020: Everything Happens for a Reason? Nope.
February 2, 2021
2020 challenged both educators and families in ways we never anticipated, and we’ll feel its reverberations long after the pandemic fades. Serious issues—some created by the events of the past…

ICYMI: Our Top 10 Blog Posts of 2020
December 23, 2020
It’s (finally) almost time to bid 2020 farewell—and judging from the comments we’ve seen on social media, we’re all pretty eager to say goodbye to this year. While some educators…

12 Ways Paraprofessionals Can Teach Independence Skills
December 8, 2020
“As a paraprofessional, one of your most important roles is preparing students to become more independent and begin planning and making choices about their futures.” That’s a quote from the…

8 Things Families Can Do to Prepare Students with Disabilities for College Success
December 1, 2020
Postsecondary education can be a powerful and meaningful experience for young adults—and as more and more colleges and universities establish inclusive programs, more students with intellectual disability are deciding to…

5 Must-Watch Coffee Chats for Teacher Professional Development
November 24, 2020
Have you been watching our new series of coffee chats with the experts? Back this fall due to popular demand, these free, informal presentations from Brookes Publishing authors are a…

“A Small Investment with Tremendous Dividends”: Jennifer Mahdavi on the Power of Progress Monitoring
November 10, 2020
In a uniquely challenging year that has forced education into new locations and configurations, it’s more important than ever to collect data, make data-based instructional decisions, and monitor student progress…