Spotlight on Story Friends: Reading Success Starts Here
June 15, 2023
When young children struggle to learn and understand new words, how can you intervene early and keep these kids from falling behind? Today we’re spotlighting a program that can help: Story Friends, a fun and effective intervention you can use in any early childhood classroom to help prepare children for long-term reading success.
What is Story Friends?
Part of the MILLIE family of early language and literacy products, Story Friends is a comprehensive, research-based Tier 2 intervention program designed for 4- to 6-year-olds who need extra help with their language and literacy skills. Through interactive animal-themed storybooks (included in the kit) and lively, engaging audio recordings, Story Friends boosts oral language and vocabulary development and teaches children key concepts they need for social and academic success. Children actively participate by answering questions, looking at and pointing to pictures, lifting flaps, and gesturing during lesson activities.
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