Communication & Language
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15 Ways to Boost Early Language & Literacy Skills in Inclusive Classrooms
September 3, 2019
If you’re an early childhood educator, you know that the preschool and kindergarten years are an exciting time for language development. Kids are absorbing new words, hearing and telling stories,…
8 Tips on Communicating with Young Second-Language Learners
August 20, 2019
If you’re like most early childhood educators, you’ll be teaching some young children who are second-language learners this year. How can you support them in learning English while respecting and…
Beyond Yes and No: Tips on Helping Students with Severe Disabilities Expand Their Communication Skills
July 30, 2019
Every learner has the right to communicate and have their needs met. For students with severe disabilities—as with all students—effective and meaningful communication means more than having a basic ability…
11 Language-Boosting Activities for Young Children
April 10, 2019
Early childhood is when most kids’ language skills really start to “blast off.” Through games and activities that encourage lots of talk and active engagement with books, teachers and parents…
Teaching Struggling Readers: 8 Steps to Effective Instruction
March 5, 2019
In your inclusive classroom, you probably have some students who are struggling with reading skills---and having trouble generalizing the skills they learn to settings outside the classroom. Whether they’re English…
5 Mistakes in Reading Program Design that Can Hurt Struggling Readers
November 21, 2018
Are you using the right core reading program for your students? Even if the program you’ve chosen seems like a good fit, there can be trouble spots within it that…
14 Ways to Make the Most of Storytime in Your Inclusive Early Childhood Classroom
May 16, 2018
ANNOUNCEMENT: Before we get into this week's post, a quick special announcement. We've randomly chosen the winner of last week's final inclusion tote bag/mini-library giveaway. The lucky winner is: Beth…
FREE Early Childhood calendar app!
January 9, 2018
Happy 2018! Hope everyone had a happy and safe holiday season. We're looking forward to a great new year of helping you support the learning and development of all children.…
4 Building Blocks of Great Literacy Centers in Inclusive Classrooms
December 12, 2017
How can you support literacy skills for all learners in an inclusive early childhood classroom? The Building Blocks framework can help, and today's post gives you some practical tips that…
FREE Early Literacy Ebook: From Babbles to Books
July 25, 2017
How can you encourage children's language development, from their first baby babbles to their first years of school? It's a question on the minds of parents and teachers of all…