Communication & Language
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FREE Early Childhood calendar app!
January 9, 2018
Happy 2018! Hope everyone had a happy and safe holiday season. We're looking forward to a great new year of helping you support the learning and development of all children.…

4 Building Blocks of Great Literacy Centers in Inclusive Classrooms
December 12, 2017
How can you support literacy skills for all learners in an inclusive early childhood classroom? The Building Blocks framework can help, and today's post gives you some practical tips that…

FREE Early Literacy Ebook: From Babbles to Books
July 25, 2017
How can you encourage children's language development, from their first baby babbles to their first years of school? It's a question on the minds of parents and teachers of all…

15 Fun Ways to Build Language & Literacy Skills in Young Learners
May 9, 2017
What makes a successful reader? The journey starts in early childhood classrooms, where young children are laying a foundation for their lifelong language and literacy skills. Children who hear more…

5 Mnemonic Strategies to Help Students Succeed in School
April 25, 2017
At some point in your life, you've probably remembered an important fact with the help of mnemonics: memory-enhancing strategies that link a new word or concept to information you already…

7 Steps to Teaching Writing Skills to Students with Disabilities
February 28, 2017
Written expression is a huge part of life inside and outside the classroom. When students with disabilities learn to write, type, and/or select appropriate communicative responses, it opens the door…

8 Simple Strategies to Increase Emotional Vocabulary
May 10, 2016
Today's guest post is by Dr. Kristie Pretti-Frontczak and Dr. Teresa Brown. It's part of our Language & Literacy Development blog series. *Want to listen to this post instead? You…

Language Intervention for Preschoolers with Disabilities: Tom’s Story
March 3, 2016
This post is part of our Language & Literacy Development blog series. Stay tuned for more! Today's post is for our early-education readers, especially inclusive educators looking for simple…

Start Some Drama! 7 tips on dramatic play activities that boost language learning
February 4, 2016
Dramatic play activities are a great way to enhance children's language and emergent literacy skills. Through fun and engaging activities that cost nothing, dramatic play: Expands children's knowledge of the…

Literacy-Rich Preschool Environments for All Learners
January 26, 2016
This post is part of our Language & Literacy Development blog series. Stay tuned for more posts in the series! When you design early literacy environments that meet the…