12 Great UDL Quotes to Pin, Tweet, and Share
October 31, 2017
Universal design for learning (UDL) is hands-down one of the most talked-about topics among our Twitter followers. Here at the Inclusion Lab, we love helping you spread the word about UDL and sharing tips and insights from Brookes authors on how to create a universally designed learning environment.
#UDLchat folks and other UDL enthusiasts, this post is for you! We’ve rounded up some of the best quotes from our books and authors and transformed them into quote graphics you can share with your community.
1. A reminder of one of the best benefits of UDL: it helps teachers build in accessibility for all learners right from the start. (From the book Universal Design for Transition.)
2. UDL helps educators move away from the idea that students need to change in order to be successful. (From the book Design and Deliver.)
3. Choices help learners stay engaged and succeed. UDL gives students choices for the “what, how, and how” of learning. (From the book Engaging Young Engineers.)
4. With UDL, variations among learners isn’t something to fear—it’s something to embrace. (From the book Technology Tools for Students with Autism.)
5. Flexibility is key to a universally designed learning environment that meets the needs of every student. (From the book Universal Design for Transition.)
6. How a teacher who embraces UDL is like an architect. (From the book Educating Students with Severe and Multiple Disabilities.)
7. UDL is a great way to break down your students’ barriers to learning. (From the book Engaging Young Engineers.)
8. Always remember that UDL isn’t a simple, consistent checklist or recipe you can follow. It’s a whole new way of thinking! (From the book Your UDL Lesson Planner.)
9. UDL may aim to help students with disabilities access the general curriculum—but it works for ALL learners, too. (From Engaging Young Engineers.)
10. With a UDL approach, teachers provide access to curriculum content in more than just one way, which helps all students participate and learn. (From Universal Design for Learning in Action.)
11. Your ultimate goal in implementing a UDL approach? Creating expert learners, and becoming one yourself. (From Technology Tools for Students with Autism.)
12. UDL is the foundation of every student’s success. (From the book Six Steps to Inclusive Preschool Curriculum.)
Which UDL quote is your favorite? Do you have a favorite quote of your own to share? Tell us in the comments below!
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Nina Pandey says
Its a wonderful article. Good to understand the concept of UDL
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