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4 Things A+ Educators Do
July 28, 2016
Happy Thursday, teacher friends! Can you believe it's almost August already? With just a few weeks left till you meet your new students, gear up for this year's adventure with…
Co-Teaching: 10 Practical Tips to Strengthen Your Partnership
July 26, 2016
Are you navigating this school year with a co-teacher? As you tackle your teaching adventure together, here are 10 practical tips for making the most of your partnership and ensuring that…
10 Tips on Becoming a More Effective Teacher
July 21, 2016
If you're reading this blog over the summer for practical tips you can use next year, odds are you're already an awesome educator. And chances are you already do many…
Quotes We Love: 12 Great Insights from Our Guest Posters
July 19, 2016
Since the Brookes blog began in April 2015, we've been fortunate enough to have some of the best minds in inclusive education write guest posts for us. Here's a look…
Preschool Inclusion: How It Helps, Where to Start
July 14, 2016
In the 40+ years since the Education for All Handicapped Children Act was passed, how have early childhood programs in the U.S. progressed toward inclusion--and what should we do to…
10 Practical Principles for Peer Supports: Getting Students Ready to Help
July 7, 2016
Peer supports are one of the most effective ways to help students with disabilities reach their potential and ensure that their academic and social needs are met. Whether you're implementing…
UDL, Accommodations, and Peer Supports: How One Teacher Did It
July 5, 2016
Over the past few months, we've posted lots of individual articles and success stories on UDL, accommodations, and peer supports. In today's Inclusion Lab post, we'll take a look at…
17 Great Accommodations & Modifications
May 26, 2016
(This post is part of our Fair is Not Always Equal...Now What? blog series.) As many of our posts have emphasized this year, designing your lessons using the UDL…
Accommodations and Modifications: A How-To Q&A with Nicole Eredics of the Inclusive Class
May 24, 2016
This post is part of our Fair is Not Always Equal...Now What? blog series. The school year's quickly drawing to a close---but before you say goodbye to this year's…
Discover the Learner: Labels vs. UDL Lens
May 19, 2016
On Tuesday, Kathleen McClaskey of Personalize Learning shared the compelling story behind her passion for discovering the learner in every child. Today she's back to give you practical tips on using the…